The global project: breaking down barriers to higher education pre and post-COVID-19
In this Podcast Matt Brett is joined by Dr. Graeme Atherton to discuss some of the significant research that Graeme has undertaken, the impact of COVID-19 on Higher Education in the UK and internationally and why student equity matters to him personally. Matt also grabs the opportunity to talk about Liverpool’s lead in the Premier League title which Graeme handled in good humour being a Manchester United supporter. Dr. Graeme Atherton is an internationally renowned leader & researcher in the field of access and diversity in higher education. He founded and leads both AccessHE and the National Education Opportunities Network (NEON) in the UK. And established World Access to Higher Education Day.
Related resources
Career Development among Young People in Britain Today: Poverty of Aspiration or Poverty of Opportunity?: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/264840241_Career_Development_among_Young_People_in_Britain_Today_Poverty_of_Aspiration_or_Poverty_of_Opportunity
World Access to Higher Education Day is a platform to raise global awareness around inequalities in access and success in higher education (HE), and act as a catalyst for international, regional and local action: https://worldaccesshe.com/
NEON: https://www.educationopportunities.co.uk/about/
Admissions and equity challenges for HE post COVID-19: https://www.universityworldnews.com/post.php?story=20200403132321996
London Higher: https://www.londonhigher.ac.uk
Report: Preparing for hyper-diversity: London’s Student Population in 2030: https://www.accesshe.ac.uk/preparing-for-hyper-diversity-londons-student-population-in-2030/
Liverpool link: https://www.bbc.com/sport/football/52699654
Head to our website to view the episode transcript - www.adcet.edu.au