A final word with Mary Kelly - Former Director of Equity at QUT

ADCET Season 1 Episode 1

ADCET is excited to bring you our first podcast, which was produced in partnership with the National Centre for Student Equity in Higher Education (NCSEHE). 

Our first guest is Mary Kelly, who is the former Director of Equity at the Queensland University of Technology. Mary has just retired, and we didn’t want to miss the opportunity to capture some of the experiences and knowledge she has acquired over the last 20 years. Mary has been a leading voice in Australia on staff and student equity in Higher Education for more than 20 years. 

In this podcast, Mary discusses the successes and challenges she and the sector have experienced during this time. For this inaugural podcast, we asked Matt Brett to sit in the interviewing chair. Matt is the Director of Academic Governance and Standards at Deakin University, an Adjunct Fellow with the NCSEHE, a PhD candidate at the University of Melbourne and sits on the Advisory Group for ADCET. Matt is an avid Podcast listener and took to the role like a duck to water.